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A picture is worth a thousand words: visual thinking between creative thinking and critical thinking in the teaching-learning processes

Antonella Nuzzaci, University of L’Aquila, Department of Human Science

Keywords: visual thinking, teaching, learning, media education, images.


Although contemporary society has a predominantly visual character, education still privileges the written word over all other forms of communication and subordinates the visual text to that written in understanding. In fact, teachers are not always well prepared to analyze the visual language and to discuss its meanings, while working on precise goals and curricular contents, relying mainly on verbal and printed language. Indeed, effective communication extends beyond the ability to use verbal language to include communication through visual arts and expressive movement, which highlights the value assumed by the use of visual thinking in the use of media and technologies to convey messages and the importance of understanding how to judge their effectiveness, as well as assess their impact.

How to cite as an article
Nuzzaci, A. (2019). A picture is worth a thousand words: visual thinking between creative thinking and critical thinking in the teaching-learning processes. img journal, 1(1), 234-253.

How to cite as a contribution in book
Nuzzaci, A. (2019). A picture is worth a thousand words: visual thinking between creative thinking and critical thinking in the teaching-learning processes. In A. Luigini, C. Panciroli (Eds.) img journal 01/2019 Manifesto, 234-253. ISBN 9788899586096

©2019 by the authors. Licensee PUBLICA, Alghero, Italy. Open access article distribuited under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0) license.

Issue 01

Oct 2019


Edited by:
Alessandro Luigini
Chiara Panciroli

Full English text
Pages: 345
ISBN: 9788899586096

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