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Edited by Alessandro Luigini and Chiara Panciroli

We decided to use the first issue of the journal to explain the interdisciplinary and collective nature of IMGjournal: in fact, we asked the members of the scientific committee and the associated editors to voluntarily submit a text, synthetic or extended at their discretion, that would present a disciplinary or personal point of view on issues related to the focus of the journal, proposing experiences in both basic and applied research.

Scholars of visual and graphic science, visual communication, education, psychology – with incursions into art history, semiotics or aesthetics – present in this Issue 01 a multiplicity of points of view that all, however, focus on the core concern of the magazine: images, what they are, how they are conceived, how they are produced, how they are perceived. Ultimately, we believe that the heterogeneity of the first Issue is one of the aspects that qualifies the project positively, as a collective project. Issue 01 is thus configured as an actual Manifesto.

A collective Manifesto.

Issue 01

Oct 2019


Edited by:
Alessandro Luigini
Chiara Panciroli

Full English text
Pages: 345
ISBN: 9788899586096

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Alessandro Luigini, Chiara Panciroli


Image, imagination and psychology: a long-lasting love story

Demis Basso

“Ante litteram” hyper-drawings. Marginal notes on the application of proleptic abstraction in the history of art and architecture

Paolo Belardi

Borders. Child literature and its intersections

Emma Beseghi

The Visual Bride: Representing Tangible Heritage between Digitality and Real Contents

Stefano Brusaporci

Building territories and landscapes: the essential knowledge of a forgotten cultural heritage

Pilar Chias Navarro

Graphic, Visual and Image Sciences

Enrico Cicalò

Visual culture/representation. Travel notes

Alessandra Cirafici

Didactic iconology.

Roberto Farnè

Visual communication and drawing. A laboratory experience for the Sciences of Primary Education degree course

Francesca Fatta

Responsibility of the imagination

Fabrizio Gay

On Phygital reproductions: new experiential approaches for Cultural Heritage

Massimiliano Lo Turco

Notes on interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity of images

Alessandro Luigini

Graphic transcriptions: Le Corbusier and the Bologna enigma

Francesco Maggio

The visual realism continuum: the roles of high and low-fidelity pictures

Stuart Medley

Images and more images

Valeria Menchetelli

From visual journalism to informative experiences: our research on socio design artefacts in the information field

Matteo Moretti

A picture is worth a thousand words: visual thinking between creative thinking and critical thinking in the teaching-learning processes

Antonella Nuzzaci

Visual languages and culture of the educational professions

Chiara Panciroli

Object Based Learning in museum education. How to imagine a new inclusive heritage

Antonella Poce

The digital image as complex environmental interface: a scenario additional reading

Paola Puma

Towards the use of images on the Web

Fabio Quici

Unseen Images. Imagination in the Making of Sabine Hertig’s Collages

Michael Renner

Inside Image: Technical Notes for Virtual Storytelling

Daniele Rossi

Imagery and imagination in psychological science

Tomaso Vecchi

Visual Culture in Quantum Mechanics. Image-based knowledge making in a non-intuitive world

Daniele Villa

Designing images in graphic design. Questions of meaning

Ornella Zerlenga

Intensifying our gaze in order to expand our action, reflection, and participation

Franca Zuccoli