The link between imagination, forms, spaces, and anthropological, ideological, social, psychological, and formative contexts inevitably draws us to reflect on the importance of images in our cultural universe: the evident power of symbolic language in social life lends extreme importance and urgency to the development of diverse and multidisciplinary lines of inquiry into the role of the imaginal, especially in the processes underpinning the construction of subjects and their relationships with places.
Attending to images does not solely mean examining them within the vast and complex universe of reception processes that raise iconological, sociological, psychoanalytical, mass media, pedagogical, or anthropological questions: the imaginal is the area of the human experience where acts of reception converge with acts of generation.
Aesthetic and visual creativity underpins relational experience, facilitates the production of knowledge and interdisciplinary processes, and both organizes and orients methods of thinking about, designing, and enjoying the world.
The organizers of this conference – in keeping with their own dual scientific interests have issued a wide-ranging call for papers that is open to cross-contamination and interdisciplinarity, with a view to generating dialogue and exchange among disciplines that bring different approaches to bear upon the imaginal.
Il legame che esiste tra immaginazione, forme, spazi, contesti antropologici, ideologici, sociali, psicologici e formativi non può non provocare riflessioni sull’importanza delle immagini nel nostro universo culturale: l’evidente potere del linguaggio simbolico nella vita sociale conferisce estrema attualità e urgenza ad uno studio multiforme e multidisciplinare che metta a tema il ruolo dell’immagine all’interno dei processi di costruzione del soggetto e della sua relazione con i luoghi.
Rivolgere attenzione all’immagine non intende considerarla unicamente all’interno di quel vasto e complesso universo di processi di ricezione che pone il mondo imagetico all’interno di problematiche iconologiche, sociologiche, psicanalitiche, massmediatiche, pedagogiche, antropologiche: l’immagine è quel territorio dell’esperienza umana in cui confluiscono gesti di ricezione così come di generazione. La creatività estetica e visuale permette il vissuto della relazione, apre il campo alla produzione della conoscenza, ai processi interdisciplinari, consente di strutturare ed orientare metodologie di pensiero, di progettazione, di fruizione del mondo.
Con l’intento di far dialogare discipline che a diverso titolo si confrontano con il mondo delle immagini, si propone una call estremamente ampia e aperta alla contaminazione ed all’interdisciplinarietà, a partire dalla doppia anima del gruppo promotore del convegno.
The focus of the call for papers are illustrated below through some topics that can suggest the areas of interest of the conference, giving authors the opportunity to recombine freely the hashtags and leaving wide space for interpretation, so as to encourage the presentation of research topics uncommon or so far little investigated.
Bioimages Learning / Cultural Analytics Learning / Graphic Images Learning / Images Based Education / Images and Crisis Learning / Images and Society Learning / Inclusive Images Learning / Intercultural Images Learning / Knowledge Images Learning / Narrative and Storytelling learning / Pictorial Images Learning / Spatial Images Learning / Visual Simulation & Modeling Learning / Visual Based Research Methods / Visual Studies
Alessio Bortot
«Unusual Rainbow»
Daniele Rossi
Stefano Moriggi & M.Giuseppina Grasselli
The abstract can be presented in one of the official languages of the conference (Italian or English).
The abstract should contain:
– Title and subtitle
– Topic and keywords (max. 5)
– Text (min. 200 words, max. 300 words)
– References (min. 5)
It is suggested to clarify the application field and the innovative elements of the text. The paper presented must be original and in the case of more than one author to be explicitly, where possible, the contribution of each author. For the topics and keywords it is suggested to refer to the list below.
You can submit your abstract using
L’abstract può essere presentato in una delle lingue ufficiali del convegno (Italiano o inglese).
L’abstract deve contenere:
– Titolo e sottotitolo
– Argomento parole chiave (max 5)
– Testo (min. 200 parole, max. 300 parole)
– Bibliografia (min.5)
Si suggerisce di chiarire il campo di applicazione e gli elementi di innovatività del contributo. Il contributo presentato deve essere originale e nel caso di più autori occorre esplicitare, ove possibile, l’apporto di ogni autore. Per gli argomenti e le parole chiave si suggerisce di fare riferimento alla lista in basso.
Puoi inviare il tuo abstract compilando
After the acceptance of abstract, authors are expected to submit the full paper (15.000-20.000 characters – including spaces and references) ONLY IN ENGLISH, respecting the guidelines contained and using the following specific Springer template. It is requested not to go below 6 total pages and not to exceed 10 total pages. There is no maximum number of images, always remembering not to exceed 10 total pages. It is important to remember that the images will be printed in black and white in the paper volume, in color in the digital version.
The full papers (.doc file, following the official Springer template, only in English, with the following file name: “surname-id number.doc” – ex: “bianchi-31.doc”)
must be sent by mail to this address: img2021@img-network.it no later than June 9, 2021
To have the accepted contribution included in the Proceedings it is necessary that at least one author is registered at the Conference.
Il contributo completo (15.000-20.000 caratteri – spazi e bibliografia inclusa), dopo l’accettazione dell’abstract, deve essere presentato UNICAMENTE IN INGLESE e seguire precisamente le indicazioni che verranno fornite agli autori tramite l’utilizzo dell’apposito template previsto dall’editore (Springer). E’ richiesto di non scendere sotto le 6 pagine e di non superare le 10 pagine totali. Non è previsto un numero massimo di immagini, rimanendo nel totale di max. 10 pagine. Le immagini verrano stampate in bianco e nero nel volume cartaceo e a colori nell’edizione online.
I full papers ( un file .doc nominato come segue: ” cognome-id paper.doc”) devono essere inviati via mail a: img2021@img-network.it non oltre il 9 Giugno 2021.
Per l’inserimento dei contributi accettati negli Atti del Convegno è necessario che almeno un autore sia iscritto.
The Conference will be held in person at the School of Architecture, Urban Planning, Construction Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano, via Ampere 2, Milan
2021 20/01
> 2021 08/03 2021 20/02
2021 09/04
>> 2021 09/06 2021 17/05
2021 26/07
2021 15/09
Call for Abstract
Abstact Submission deadline / Scadenza invio abstrct
Notice abstract acceptance / Comunicazione accettazione abstract
Early fee deadline / Scadenza registrazione anticipata
2021 20/01 Call for Abstract
2021 20/02 Abstact Submission deadline / Scadenza invio abstrct
2021 09/04 Notice abstract acceptance / Comunicazione accettazione abstract
Early fee deadline / Scadenza registrazione anticipata
2021 15/09 Final program / Programma finale

William Kentridge & Bronwyn Lace
William Kentridge (South Africa, 1955) is internationally acclaimed for his drawings, films, theatre and opera productions.
Bronwyn Lace (Botswana, 1980) is a visual artist, in 2016 Lace joined William Kentridge in founding and animating of the Centre for the Less Good Idea in Maboneng, Johannesburg. Today Lace is a director on the board of the Centre and is living and working in Vienna.
The Centre for the Less Good Idea is a space for responsive thinking through experimental, collaborative and cross-disciplinary arts practices. The Centre has quickly gathered momentum and in 2020 the Centre launched SO: the academy for the Less Good Idea.

Lev Manovich
Lev Manovich is one of the leading theorists of digital culture, and a pioneer in using big data to study visual culture. He was included in the list of “25 People Shaping the Future of Design” in 2013 and the list of “50 Most Interesting People Building the Future” in 2014.
Manovich is the author and editor of 14 books including Cultural Analytics, AI Aesthetics, Theories of Software Culture, Instagram and Contemporary Image, Software Takes Command, Soft Cinema: Navigating the Database and The Language of New Media which was described as “the most suggestive and broad-ranging media history since Marshall McLuhan.”
Manovich is a Presidential Professor at The Graduate Center, CUNY and a Director of the Cultural Analytics Lab. The lab created projects for the Museum of Modern Art (NYC), New York Public Library, Google, and other organizations.

Maria Nadotti
Journalist, author, essayist, curator, editorial consultant and translator, Maria Nadotti writes regularly on theatre, film criticism, art and culture. She has collaborated with several Italian and foreign publications.
Italian curator and translator of John Berger’s complete works, Maria Nadotti has also translated and edited works by Suad Amiry, Robin Morgan, Hayden Herrera, Pam Houston, Gretel Ehrlich, Assia Djebar, Giuliana Bruno, Judith Butler, bell hooks, Susan Sontag, Edward Said and other authors.
She introduced to the Italian readership many international authors and she is the creator of two medium-length documentaries: In Praise of Constancy (2006) and Under Truce Gaza (2009).
Giovanni Anceschi
Fabrizio Apollonio
Demis Basso
Paolo Belardi
András Benedek
Emma Beseghi
Stefano Brusaporci
Giorgio Camuffo
Camilla Casonato
Eugene Ch’ng
Pilar Chias Navarro
Enrico Cicalò
Alessandra Cirafici
Franco Clivio
Marco Dallari
Manuel de Miguel
Agostino de Rosa
Antonella Di Luggo
Edoardo Dotto
Maria Linda Falcidieno
Roberto Farnè
Francesca Fatta
Franz Fischnaller
Marco Gaiani
Vittorio Gallese
Fabrizio Gay
Andrea Giordano
Claudia Giudici
Nicole Goetschi Danesi
Nicolás Gutierrez
Robert Harland
Richard Huerta
Elena Ippoliti
Pedro António Janeiro
Massimiliano Lo Turco
Alessandro Luigini
Francesco Maggio
Stuart Medley
Valeria Menchetelli
Raffaele Milani
Matteo Moretti
Chiara Panciroli
Andrea Pinotti
Paola Puma
Fabio Quici
Margarida Ramos
Michael Renner
Pier Cesare Rivoltella
Daniele Rossi
Pier Giuseppe Rossi
Rossella Salerno
Maurizio Unali
Tomaso Vecchi
Carlo Vinti
Ornella Zerlenga
Lorenzo Ceccon
Alessandra De Nicola
Emanuela Mancino
Stefano Moriggi
Alessandro Pepe
Annamaria Poli
Daniele Villa
Virginia Vecchi
Marco Vedoà
Franca Zuccoli
Early registration
Late registration
by 26.07.2021
after 26.07.2021
Regular registration
Ph.D. students, ECR
Participants have to:
1 – pay via bank transfer or PAYPAL in favor of Associazione IMG NETWORK APS
Reason for payment: “IMG21 Name and Surname of the participant”
IBAN: IT90I0604511700000005003897
2 – fill in the REGISTRATION FORM and upload the payment receipt
The fee includes: 1) the annual membership to the IMG-Network APS Association, 2) the conference kit, 2 lunches, 4 coffee breaks.
In case of moving online, the costs related to point 2 will be reimbursed upon request.
Location, organization, fee and registration procedures for the formal dinner will be communicated by the end of September.
The reduced fee is intended for Early Career Researchers (ERC): undergraduate students, PhD students, research fellows and for the members of the Scientific Committee
I partecipanti dovranno:
1 – eseguire il pagamento tramite bonifico bancario o PAYPAL in favore di Associazione IMG NETWORK APS
Causale: “IMG21 Nome e Cognome del partecipante”
IBAN: IT90I0604511700000005003897
2 – compilare il FORM DI REGISTRAZIONE caricando la ricevuta di pagamento
La quota comprende: 1) l’iscrizione annuale all’Associazione IMG-Network APS 2) il conference kit, 2 pranzi, 4 coffee break (In caso di spostamento del convegno online verranno rimborsati, su richiesta, i costi relativi al punto 2)
Location, organizzazione, quota e modalità di iscrizione al formal dinner verranno comunicate entro fine settembre.
Le quote ridotte sono previste per gli Early Career Researchers (ERC): studenti, dottorandi, assegnisti di ricerca, e per i membri del Comitato Scientifico
Arriving in Alghero
In July 2019 the airport of Alghero is connected to:
Rome (Blueair until 16 April, Alitalia after 16 April)
Bergamo (Ryanair)
Pisa (Ryanair)
Bologna (Ryanair)
Milan Linate (Alitalia)
Turin (Blueair)
Genoa (Volotea)
Naples (Volotea)
Venice (Volotea)
Verona (Volotea)
London Luton (Easyjet)
London Stanstead (Ryanair)
Frankfurt (Ryanair)
Munich (Ryanair)
Bratislava (Ryanair)
Brussels (Ryanair)
Prague (Smartswing)
Amsterdam (Corendon)
Barcelona (Vueling)
Berlin Tegel (Easyjet)
Geneva (Easyjet)
Madrid (Volotea)
Bucharest (Wizz)
Budapest (Wizz)
Warsaw (Wizz)
Amsterdam (Corendon)
Mastricht (Corendon)
Staying in Alghero
Alghero has a wide range of hotels, some of which offer participants at the conference IMG2019 special rates.
In Alghero you pay a city tax of € 2.00 per person per day.
Hotel Catalunya
– from € 105,00 in double or twin rooms and € 85,00 in single room (non-refundable rate with advance payment on confirmation by credit card or bank transfer).
Hotel La Margherita
– Double room inside at a cost of €99.00 per night,
– Standard Double Room, with balcony, at a cost of €115.00 per night,
– Superior Double Room, with balcony overlooking the sea, at a cost of €125.00 per night.
Hotel Balear
– from € 60 single room
– from € 80 double room
Hotel Riviera
– from € 59,20 single room
– from € 79,20 double room
Hotel Soleado
– from € 75,20 double room
Alghero also offers a large number of Bed & Breakfasts and apartments for rent that can be booked through booking.com and airbnb.com
Arrivare ad Alghero
Nel mese di Luglio 2019 l’aereoporto di Alghero è collegato con:
Roma (Blueair sino al 16 Aprile, Alitalia dopo il 16 Aprile)
Bergamo (Ryanair)
Pisa (Ryanair)
Bologna (Ryanair)
Milano Linate (Alitalia)
Torino (Blueair)
Genova (Volotea)
Napoli (Volotea)
Venezia (Volotea)
Verona (Volotea)
Londra Luton (Easyjet)
Londra Stanstead (Ryanair)
Francoforte (Ryanair)
Monaco (Ryanair)
Bratislava (Ryanair)
Bruxelles (Ryanair)
Praga (Smartswing)
Amsterdam (Corendon)
Barcellona (Vueling)
Berlino Tegel (Easyjet)
Ginevra (Easyjet)
Madrid (Volotea)
Bucarest (Wizz)
Budapest (Wizz)
Varsavia (Wizz)
Amsterdam (Corendon)
Mastricht (Corendon)
Soggiornare ad Alghero
Alghero ha una vasta offerta di Hotel, alcuni dei quali propongono ai partecipanti al convegno IMG2019 delle tariffe convenzionate:
Ad Alghero si paga una tassa comunale di soggiorno pari a euro 2,00 giornaliere per persona.
Hotel Catalunya
-a partire da € 105,00 in camere doppia o matrimoniale ed € 85,00 in Dus
Hotel La Margherita
– Camera Matrimoniale Interna al costo di €99,00 per notte,
– Camera Matrimoniale Standard, con balcone, al costo di €115,00 per notte,
– Camera Matrimoniale Superior, con balcone vista mare, al costo di €125,00 per notte.
Hotel Balear
– € 60 (a partire da) camera singola
– € 80 (a partire da) camera matrimoniale
Hotel Riviera
– € 59,20 (a partire da) camera singola
– € 79,20 (a partire da) camera matrimoniale
Hotel Soleado
– € 75,20 (a partire da) camera matrimoniale
Alghero offre anche un elevato numero di Bed&Breakfast e appartamenti in affitto che potranno essere prenotati attraverso booking.com e airbnb.com